With world-renowned Hungarian technology, we can protect ourselves against electromagnetic smog.

When persistent headaches and irritability become a part of your daily life, you might suspect the onset of some illness or claim you feel under the weather. However, you should not ignore the harmful effects of electrosmog, which is constantly present around you.

Small and large frequency radiations subtly surround us, manifesting as electrosmog and leaving their mark on our bodies. Thanks to a Hungarian invention, however, we can protect ourselves against it. János Juhász, the researcher and radiation protection expert behind SHS System, was motivated by the Chernobyl incident to start a 30-year innovation journey that has now become a functioning and internationally recognized radiation protection solution. Together with his team of experts, he developed the so-called building protection technology, which can also be applied in cars or even on personal mobile phones.

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Never before in human history has the percentage of patients with tumoral diseases been this high. Research studies have proven that electromagnetic radiation in itself is carcinogenic. The WHO has classified it as 2B carcinogen, a possibly carcinogenic risk factor. While other factors can be excluded from our lives, we are always surrounded by the invisible electrosmog which penetrates into the body.

"We are burdening the air with electrosmog. In the era of digitalization and robotics, there are approximately 8 billion mobile phones on Earth," shared János Juhász and Marianna Juhászné Molnár, radiation researchers and protection experts, with Lokál. "The danger of electrosmog is based on disruption of cell communication. With the burden of digitalization, we have lost the energy of a nature-close state, and this manifests in physical symptoms. There is an increasing number of people suffering from electro-hypersensitivity, depression, autism, lack of concentration, fatigue, sleep disorders, tinnitus of uncertain origin, headaches, irritability, and apathy, and unfortunately, many of these symptoms are now also seen in children. Electrosmog could be among the causes as a stress factor. Research materials from International Electrosmog Research Institutes clearly demonstrate that radiation, as a prominent risk factor, can contribute to the development of various diseases. Their presence complicates healing chances and can even cause illnesses on their own. The WHO has classified electrosmog as a significant risk factor, placing it in the 2B carcinogen category, the same as smoking or alcohol. The problem is not development itself, but the fact that it has occurred so rapidly that a huge gap has opened up between protection and progress."

The installation of this filter system starts by diagnosing the building with accredited measuring instruments, followed by reducing all radiation parameters below the limit values. After three weeks, control measurements are taken to confirm that the building is officially “green”. This option does not only work for large office buildings. Efficient local protection may also be established for cars, planes, public transport vehicles and even for mobile phone users.

What is electrosmog?

Electrosmog refers to the disturbing effects of the electromagnetic phenomena which impact us everywhere. There are few places on the planet Earth where such effects cannot be detected and measured. Additional stress is generated by cables routed in walls. Electromagnetic radiation represents a varying but clearly identifiable cell biological risk. The constant presence of electrosmog has a negative impact on the otherwise well-regulated functions of the human body.

Relevant legislation:

In the framework of the approximation of laws, EMMI Decree No 33/2016 (XI. 29.) of the Minister of Human Capacities on the Minimum Health and Safety Requirements for the Exposure of Workers to the Risks Arising from Physical Factors based on the EU Directive adopted in 2013 entered into force in Hungary on 29 November 2016. Various health assessments carried out in the EU and in Hungary have confirmed that the harmful effects of “e” radiation are no longer limited to workplaces, they may also be detected in homes. The responsibilities of employers are also laid down in the Labour Code and other legislation.

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