In our apartments, houses, and offices, we are exposed to far more dangers than we might think. The purpose of measurement is to identify these sources of danger and the extent of radiation exposure, thereby determining the health risks. After the radiation measurement, we document the findings in an accredited report with a risk assessment.

It is enough to lie in a strong water vein radiation zone to develop irreversible diseases. High levels of radon in enclosed spaces can be responsible for a significant percentage of lung cancer cases, and the harmful health effects of 5G networks are also not negligible.

We recommend conducting these measurements in every building.


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Our equipment is accredited, automated, and certified with regular calibration.

Többezer magánház, irodaházak, ipari létesítmények, közintézmények pontos, hiteles akkreditált mérését végeztük, kockázatértékeléssel.

We have the most advanced NARDA instrumentation.

Over 30 years of experience in radiation measurement and protection technology development.

Több, mint 30 éves tapasztalat sugárzásmérés és védelmi technológiák fejlesztésében.


Parameters of electrosmog:

Electric field strength

Magnetic field strength

High frequency power density


Geocosmic pathogenic distortions :

Underground water veins

Magnetic fields where Hartmann line cross




Public institutions

Sport facilities

Land lots

In hotel chains

In industrial facilities

In factories


Electromagnetic radiation measurements and risk assessments have been conducted at the following locations:

Legal Regulations for Electromagnetic Radiation Measurement

No 33/2016 (XI. 29.) EMMI Decree (hereinafter: the Decree), it is mandatory to carry out a risk assessment for electromagnetic exposure. This obligation under the Directive 2013/35/EU has been transposed by all EU Member States.

Our Prices

Determining the Environmental Load and Risk Assessment

200 m2-ig: 88.000 HUF (ÁFÁSAN)
200 m2 felett: egyedi árajánlat

Frequently Asked Questions

Nowadays, we are exposed to high levels of electrosmog, which has unforeseeable health risks. Radiation, an unnoticed phenomenon, is present in our immediate environment without us having real, palpable and current perception of it. Thus the constant presence of electrosmog negatively affects the well-controlled functioning of our body, influences our biorhythm, brain functioning, hormone system and harms our entire body in the long term.

A lakásunkban, házunkban, az irodánkban sokkal több veszélynek vagyunk kitéve, mint gondolnánk. A mérés célja, hogy feltárjuk ezen veszélyforrásokat, a sugárzási kitettségek mértékét, megállapítva az egészségi kockázatokat. Sugárzásmérést követően, a vizsgálati eredményeket  akkreditált jegyzőkönyvben dokumentáljuk. 
Biztonságban élünk otthonainkban? 

Instrumental measurements provide an overview of the physical, chemical and biological hazards present in the spaces around us, including workplaces, properties and the spaces where we live our lives in general. All results of the examinations are documented in protocols, thus any potential issues are identified and provide the basis for an effective defence strategy.

The exposure risks (anomalies) are determined based on the threshold values in accordance with the SBM/2008 and SBM/2015 international standards of Building Biology Testing Methods.
  • Electrosmog penetrates everything – this characteristic sets it apart from all other types of radiation.
  • Electrosmog penetrates into the tissues of the body, at a depth depending on frequency. In the case of mobile phones, this value is one centimetre. Radio frequency (RF) energy is absorbed into the body, causing it to warm. Every known health-related effect caused by exposure is clearly linked to this warming. 
  • An obvious characteristic of electrosmog is that it falls within a low-energy, so-called non-ionising range.
  • Electromagnetic radiation represents a varying but clearly identifiable cell biological risk.


Every form of electrosmog is always harmful, but mostly during sleep. It affects living organisms as an external rhythmic signal, it may influence the functioning of the brain, breathing, heartbeat and blood circulation, change the physical composition of blood, disrupt the exchange of information between cells, and thus the process of cell division. It must be avoided to sleep and stay for long periods in areas subject to significant pulsing electromagnetic radiation if in the case of magnetic induction and electric field strength or RF electrosmog, power density exceeds a specific value. The effect of electrosmog is the most harmful during sleep as, among other things, it hinders the production of essential serotonin and melatonin hormones, and it is also detrimental to the self-healing processes of the body. The pineal gland in the brain modulates, among other things, the sleep and wake patterns through the melatonin neurohormone. The pineal gland is highly sensitive to electrosmog which can quickly change its balance. It may lead to sleep disorders and chronic fatigue. Melatonin also prevents cancerous cells from developing; therefore, the reduction in melatonin level, by as much as 50%, resulting from electrosmog substantially increases the risk factor for cancer.


The source of radon gas is Ra-226 isotope that is common in the soil and construction materials. Ejected from the particles, it gets into the pores, from where it discharges into the atmosphere, thus into the open air. A radon terhelés műszeresen mérhető, a radon elleni védelem az épületekbe új építésnél előre, de utólag is beépíthető. A zárt terekben feldúsult radon tehető felelőssé a tüdőrákos esetek magas %-áért.


Studies conducted at the request of WHO in 1984 by Swedish professors, Aronsson and Johansson and in 1989 by the researchers of the Swiss S.E.I.C. institute revealed that after four hours spent in front of the turned-on screen, the secretion of adrenaline (stress hormone) decreases in the body of adults. The reason for this is that the body retains adrenaline and a prolonged state of adrenaline saturation develops in the screen user’s body, just like in the case of extreme sports. Regarding the body of children (around puberty), this value was, instead of four hours, only 50 minutes. According to the data included in a survey carried out by Hungarian researchers in the 1990s, revealing that 50% of youngsters use the computer at least for two hours at weekends and 80% of them watch TV or movies at least for two hours, and the majority of them spend approximately 20 hours in front of the screen on weekdays, the youngsters experience this adrenaline saturation very often. A study conducted by Marcel Rufo, a French professor in 1990 points out that in the case of children after 40-minute screen-time academic performance is reduced to a third, memorisation skills are decreased to a fifth, while anxiety, aggressiveness and violent behaviour triple.
At the end of the 1990s WHO-IARC, an international centre conducting research on radiation, drew attention to the fact that twice as many children in populations exposed to magnetic field exceeding 0.3-0.4 microtesla on average may develop leukaemia as in populations with lower exposure.
Electromagnetic radiation weakens the energy system at cell level. Among others, the immune system and the central nervous system weaken, resulting in the activation of several inflammation processes and tumours in the body, as well as various problems of the nervous system and mental illnesses may develop. An increasing number of scientific studies shows that the combination of radiation and the resulting thermal effect may lead to various health problems.

The potential health risks of excess electrosmog may be identified and linked to health problems as follows:

  • sleep disorders
  • dizziness
  • frequent nausea
  • kiütések
  • bowel problems
  • frequent fatigue
  • diabetes, IR
  • impotence, frigidity
  • fertility reduction, infertility
  • early abortion
  • thyroid gland issues, hormonal problems, myomas, cysts
    miscarriage (medicalonline.hu 20180701) lack of concentration
  • depression
  • panic syndrome
  • headache
  • tinnitus, hearing impairment
  • embolism
  • thrombosis
  • melanoma diseases on the head, inflammation
  • various tumours
  • reduction in performance, visual impairment
  • childhood leukaemia
  • rheumatic inflammation
  • joint problems
  • muscular dystrophy
  • electromagnetic hypersensitivity
  • circulatory disorders
  • in more severe cases cardiovascular problems, even
  • DNA mutations (webbeteg.hu 20160701 Wi-Fi allergy)
  • less breast milk (after giving birth)
  • prolonged rehabilitation after surgeries and injuries
  • alcohol, tobacco and drug addiction
  • epileptic seizures, slower thinking, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia
  • slower reflexes
The WHO has classified electrosmog as 2B: possibly carcinogenic to humans.
  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • asbestos

All EU Member States have laid down in laws the mandatory nature of the measurement of electromagnetic radiation, with the risk assessment being the responsibility of the employers.  

According to EMMI Decree No 33/2016 (XI. 29.) of the Minister of Human Capacities (hereinafter: the Decree), it is mandatory to carry out a risk assessment for electromagnetic exposure.

This obligation under the Directive 2013/35/EU has been transposed by all EU Member States.

Public institutions, offices, factories, industrial facilities and buildings of commercial networks, employers are required to carry out an electromagnetic risk assessment in accordance with EMMI Decree No 33/2016 (XI. 29.) of the Minister of Human Capacities on the Minimum Health and Safety Requirements for the Exposure of Workers to the Risks Arising from Physical Factors (hereinafter: the Decree). This obligation under the Directive 2013/35/EU has been transposed by all EU Member States. The Decree requires employers to provide for the protection of employees against exposure to electromagnetic radiation when the measurement of electromagnetic radiation and the subsequent risk assessment indicates that exposure exceeds the legally established limit values. If an employer fails to do so, it may be subject to fines from government inspectorates. Furthermore, should an employee fall ill, the employer may be sued for damages with the employee most likely winning the case due to employer’s misconduct.

Thousands of physicians active in different fields turned to medical professionals, persons responsible for public health, politicians and the public, expressing serious concerns.

During the past few years they have experienced a dramatic increase in the occurrence of serious and chronic diseases among their patients, which they associated with electromagnetic radiation.

“Immediate action is required!” https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Freiburger-Appeal-English.pdf

The firsts to sign:
Dr. med. Thomas Allgaier, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Heitersheim
Dr. med. Christine Aschermann, Neural physician, Psychotherapy, Leutkirch
Dr. med. Waltraud Bär, General medicine, Natural bealing, Environmental medicine, Wiesloch
Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann, General medicine, Homeopathy, Freiburg
Dr. med. H. Bernhardt, Pediatry, Schauenburg
Dr. Klaus Bogner Genral medicine, Friedrichshafen
Dr. Karl Braun von Gladiß, General medicine, Holistic medicine, Teufen
Hans Brüggen, Internal medicine, Respiratory medicine, Environmental medicine, Allergenics, Deggendorf
Dr. med. Christa-Johanna Bub-Jachens, General medicine, Natural bealing, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Arndt Dohmen, Internal medicine, Bad Säckingen
Barbara Dohmen, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Bad Säckingen
Verena Ehret, Doctor, Kötzting
Dr. med. Joachim Engels, Internal medicine, Homeopathy, Freiburg
Karl-Rainer Fabig, Practical doctor
Dr. med. Gerhilde Gabriel, Doctor, München
Dr. med. Karl Geck, Psychotherapy, Murg
Dr. med. Jan Gerhard, Pediatrics, Child/adolescent psychiatry, Ahrensburg
Dr. med. Peter Germann, Doctor, Environmental medicine, Homeopathy, Worms
Dr. med. Gertrud Grünenthal, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Bann
Dr. Michael Gulich orvos, Schopfheim
Dr. med. Michael Gülich, Doctor, Schopfheim Julia Günter, Psychotherapy, Korbach
Dr. med. Wolfgang Haas, Internal medicine, Dreieich
Dr. med. Karl Haberstig, General medicine, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics, Inner-Urberg
Prof. Dr. med. Karl Hecht, Specialist in stress-, sleep-, chrono- und space travel medicine, Berlin
Dr. med. Bettina Hövels, General medicine, Lörrach
Walter Hofmann, Psychotherapy, Singen
Dr. Elisabeth Hoppel, natural medicines, orthopedics, Dorfen
Dr. med. Rolf Janzen, Pediatrics, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Peter Jaenecke , Dentist, Ulm Michaela Kammerer, Doctor, Murg
Beate Justi, pszichiactrist, pszichoterapist, Hannover
Michaela Kammerer, Doctor, Murg
Karl Kienle Practitioner, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Natural Remedies, Schongau
Dr. Monika Kuny, psychotherapy, Grünwald
Dr. med. Michael Lefknecht, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Duisburg
Dr. med. Volker zur Linden, Internal medicine, Bajamar
Dr. Martin Lion, physician, homeopathy, Ulm
Dr. med. Dagmar Marten, Doctor, Ochsenfurt
Dr. Rudolf Meierhofer, dentist, Roth
Dr. med. Rudolf Mraz, Psychotherapy, Natural healing, Stiefenhofen
Dr. med. Otto Pusch, Nuclear medicine, Bad Wildungen
Dr. med. Josef Rabenbauer, Psychotherapy, Freiburg
Elisabeth Radloff-Geck, Doctor, Psychotherapy, Homeopathy, Murg
Dr. med. Anton Radispeck, Practical doctor, Natural healing, Aholming
Barbara Rautenberg, General medicine, Environmental medicine, Kötzting
Dr. Christof Rautenberg, internist, Kötzting
Dr. med. Hans-Dieter Reimus, Dentist, Oldenburg
Dr. med. Ursula Reinhardt, General medicine, Bruchköbel
Dr. med. Dietrich Reinhardt, Internal medicine, Bruchköbel
Dr. med. Andreas Roche, General medicine, Kaiserslautern
Dr. med. Bernd Salfner, Pediatries, Allergenics, Waldshut-Tiengen
Dr. med. Claus Scheingraber, Dentist, München
Dr. med. Bernd Maria Schlamann, Dentist, Non-medical practitioner, Ahaus-Wessum
Dr. med. Hildegard Schuster, Psychotherapy, Lörrach
Norbert Walter, General medicine, Natural healing, Bad Stickingen
Dr. med. Rosemarie Wedig, Doctor, Psychotherapy, Homeopathy, Düsseldorf
Dr. med. Gänter Theiss, General medicine, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. med. Otmar Wassermann, Toxicology, Schönkirchen
Prof.Dr. H.-J. Wilhelm, otolaryngologist, phoniatrist, Frankfurt
Dr. Barbara Wurschnitzer-Hunig, dermatology, allergology, environmental medicine, Kempten
Dr. Ingo Frithjof Zürn general practitioner, varicose vein specialist, natural remedies, environmental medicine, Nordrach

The first supporters of the FREIBURG APPELL:
Dr. med. Wolfgang Baur, General medicine, Psychotherapy, Environmental medicine, Vienenburg
Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, Physicist, München
Volker Hartenstein, Member of Parliament (Bavaria), Ochsenfurt
Maria und Bruno Elennek, Self-help group for chemical- and wood prevative-damaged, Wirzburg
Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Medicinal physicist, Stokelsdorf
Wolfgang Maes, Baubiology and Environmental analysis, Neuß
Helmat Merkel, 1st Chairman of Biobiology Organization, Bonn
Peter Neuhold, Non-medicinal practitioner, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Scientific leader of Institute for Baubiology and Ecology, Neubeuem
Dr. Birgit Stöcker, Chairwoman of Self-Help Organization for Electrosensitives, München
Prof. Dr. Alfred G. Swierk, Mainz
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Biophysics, Biopsychology, Biomedicine, Saarbrücken

As nowadays we are not safe even in our homes, workplaces and cars and other means of transport, in addition to the need for a healthy and conscious way of living and healthy eating, protection against radiation has also become an essential part of our lives.

As a result of 30 years of development and research, the products of our SHS HOME range are able to protect your health and the health of your family with protective devices designed for the protection of functional areas and for personal protection.

Yes. They function without a power source, as organic parts of the building.

The effectiveness of our new radiation protection products resulting from our research and development activities is independently verified by the Finland-based accredited testing laboratory Verkotan.

The scientists and physicists at Verkotan have state-of-the-art technologies, measurement systems and knowledge at their disposal. The same laboratory conditions were provided for the testing of Nokia devices.

A Hungarian research group with 30 years of experience in the field of the analysis and research of radiation as well as the development of protective technologies has created one of the most effective protective solutions in the global market.
No other technology exists in the world that could achieve such significant reduction in electromagnetic radiation even at 5G bandwidths. Its efficiency is scientifically proven, and it contributes to a balanced life and our well-being in terms of energy as well.


SpaceHarmony System Kft.




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